Diljot Grewal
  1. Diljot Grewal


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a6c78c1fe3dadded script to compare local files to blob
229e8ffac79minor: updated mailer
b56c99113a8minor: updated remove jobs to use new credentials
2c0520d3b26minor: small fixes in delete_old_blobs, now deletes from all 3 temp containers
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d45bfc6628fadded scripts to calculate container size and to delete old blobs
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a6aeab6c1a8added code for monitoring resources
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
aa8787b81a1shutdown vm if idle
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
f5b107552b5script to shutdown vm if its idle
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5a79f21422anew: added script to email owners of idle vms
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d54d3d132dbscript to list all skus
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d38a2b08978minor: updated archiving code
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
ef77a682d17added code to archive blobs
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
b6ade29fc6eadded code to make blobs cold
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5eae5ea518fadded script to snapshot entire storage account
b6fa7a3c3b8minor fixes in patchvm
e31d9e856f0added script to update all nodes in pool
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a6c06ff3209added automatic image creation
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
9679b0f3a52minor: updated storage account staging to latest
f9bd1eadce7script to create a new storage account and move files to it
Andrew McPhersonAndrew McPherson
441c538b8a0added from headnode
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
c7fe461431finitial commit