Single Cell
  1. Single Cell


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
1e59ac7e350bugfix: only attempt to plot segments if there is data to plot
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
e2abfba5f02documentation:updated test dataset
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
0e006ebf9cdversion bump
Pascale WaltersDiljot GrewalPascale Walters
7bb489154e4removed classifier, added ploidy option
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
e577415b307bugfix:issues with config generation
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
237d64f8783fix:added haploid poison to hmmcopy
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
08fd26a0192feature: increased mem on retries
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
4d2a8868d56config: updated to use block style in output for readability, exposed all params to override
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
b5fe304f190feature: added classifier to hmmcopy
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
52ad39c0b85bugfix: plotting errors when no segments
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
acac4b2d8a2added documentation
Pascale WaltersPascale Walters
973f5143a92bug fix: remove broken segments dataframe handling
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
96b369bf423fix: error handling for empty segments table
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
6276c5423febugfix: pandas sum adds nan to 0
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
7d6b51a243ebugfix: reading by chunks can split sample across chunks that need to be merged together later
Andrew McPhersonAndrew McPherson
98e618c40e8minor: on disk merging of variant counts
Andrew McPhersonAndrew McPherson
f16f9a519cbminor: pseudo wgs fixes
30e438872d3minor: small bug fix in strelka
Andrew McPhersonAndrew McPherson
fecd1bdb399feature: variant counting workflow
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
3e8eb36cf25minor:set default aligner to bwa mem
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d551457f1aabugfix: generate colormap for cellcalls in filtered data, not all calls before filters
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
aa98e0816a1minor: updated metrics heatmap colormap
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
dd457f0960cminor: reduced segs plot size, single color legend per page
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
17718eac65aminor: moved segs and bias plots into separate dirs
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d2bf99b5134hmmcopy_plots: same colormap for heatmap and hmmcopy, same colormap for all 6 multipliers in segs plot
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
915c440355emetrics_plot: center heatmap around 250k for total reads
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
3922241983abugfix: at indexing doesnt work with categorical indexes in pandas, making cell id categorical breaks some code
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
2a0a576f71cminor: updated dtypes for segments h5 merge
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
ea0d4d1da2fbugfix: missing cellid column in failed hmmcopy segs
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
dc3b25e6dc6bugfix: making cellid categorical to improve compression and avoid itemsize errors, small fix in func path in alignment
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
afe57cfbeb1minor: fixed an issue with batch
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
0efd3354f2fbugfix: env vars should be upper case
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
2ea28ce4079minor: fixed config generators
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
b86104cce13version bump
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d4318dfd134minor: added white bars to heatmap for low mappability regions
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
c015fee1ce2minor: small fix in hmmcopy merge.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
47e5b31d06dbugfix: density plots were missing one state, increased scatter point size in segs plot
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
937c1c7c0afminor: check for cases where a whole row is filtered out when merging hmmcopy pdfs
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
42005ef972afeature: one file per row for hmmcopy plots, sorted by column
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
95b4c5ab022feature: reimplemented config and batch generation codee
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
dc1a0bb5cf0improvement: replaced all hardcoded human chromosomes with chroms from config
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
1b445983992minor: converted some other functions to string, removed matplotlib from utils import, pysam moved to separate module from helpers
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
64b617f2c95minor: renamed pseudo_wgs to merge bams workflow
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5e52b5005b8minor: removed unused remixt workflow
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
c3855b53aa4improvement: switch to strings for function in transform to avoid imports on head node
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
3573f825c24feature: added an option to split bam files by reads
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
b870d5788d1bugfix: replaced hardcoded hmmcopy ref files in config
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
90d2e5a66f1fix: parsing was broken for clean_sentinels and generate_config
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
bc7a6fc868eminor: renamed pick_met and condition back to their original names
1ed13b2b87dbugfix: another fix in hmmcopy script