MutationSeq shah_lab
  1. MutationSeq shah_lab


AuthorCommitMessageCommit dateIssues
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d07e2d53a15minor: removed pickle file
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
6f4db528d94added install instructions
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a29e91c6669minor: some stuff in setup was commented out
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d9f2d9ba53ffixes: added museq_het command for titan mode
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
303cfd0f7e1fix: added missing filter to header
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
ce450553831feature: updated museq vcf format
Diljot GrewalDiljot Singh GrewalDiljot Grewal
7d159e59ccbimpr: single setup step for make and retrain models, also adds museq to executables
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d38e0d7b513removing unneeded files
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
7db374616c4minor fix
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
4fb2e857a31skipped positions where only one position in the amplicon passes filtering threshold
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
3ec71c867e2added models trained with anaconda and sklearn 0.13.1
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
2a993546f07removed symlinks from unit test dir
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
8f5d3d0faa7updated pip required
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
82f4e7cae8fupdated tests:removed tests that checked rmdups setting (since it soesn't exist anymore) added the new param to the args object
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
415a16449eerenamed keep_duplicate_reads to count_duplicate_reads (make more sense now)
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5a9b011ad66minor fix
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
2ca569cfac9minor fixes
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5de22351fccupdated version
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
52cc87d85a9added an option to turn duplicate read removal on/off
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
23ceeb90e69fixed a bug where lookups for the positions in the manifest tree weren't working as intended.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a46a54516e2minor updates to metadata
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
9276f9c3e7fminor bug fix.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5a54127d357MUT-372: added description of INDL filter field to headerMUT-372
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a630af4edeaupdated PL type to integer.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a3f1c6f41e2fixed a bug where the position calculation wasn't working properly in deep mode.MUT-370MUT-370
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a9c74e3c089updated version string
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
bd7e4a9f50fremoved unnecessary files.updated preprocessutils to use paired bam reads instead of 2 single bam reads
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
2f9023a3e30added check in parse_manifest (throws error if amnplicon start >= end)
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
64f8f8232ffversion string updated
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
000bd76f3ccMUT-360: make clean removes the build dirMUT-360
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
fd8c5c92a07MUT-361 : return empty list when there are no overlaps between positions and intervals instead of running it on the full chromosomeMUT-361
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
23b0413c25fMUT-356: HomoForward function looks at the positions after the original position but the loop could continue after the end of chromosome.Added a check to break if the pos is outside limits.MUT-356
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
d6a454072b9bug fix (the flush function call in export features was calling the private flush which was changed to protected in the previous updates).
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
7421f925b02updated the makefile (takes python and boostpath at commandline)
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
a5914d08adfupdated version
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
410078d4ab9 minor formatting updates.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
f7db19f2beeupdated the INDL flag implementation (takes ratio of all reads with an indel instead of just the variant reads)
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
414d86bd16fmuseq now adds chr if the reference has chr
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
5081b5e265dupdated tests (failed if order in lists was different)
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
db0ab4ca023updated unit tests
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
72f40176f72updated the code to use intervaltree package instead of PyIntervalTree(Deprecated).Refactored preprocessing mode.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
9bda5c3c757Bugfix: when running in export_features mode, museq used to skip the prediction.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
eb102233e63 the makefile takes the python and boostpaths and input instead of hardcoded paths in the file.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
c6ff265bfa9MUT-351: implemented the export_features function and set the features_only flag to skip the prediction part.MUT-351
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
b69ccd50a7bupdated metadata.config
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
535b02f26a7minor bug fix
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
4994ee45ac8updated to version 4.3.3Change log: Fixed a bug in get_positions which caused museq to run on genome when interval ws a chromosome only updated sklearn to 0.14.1 in install script minor updates
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
ca2ff663f09updated the version tags
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
ced75beca1fupdated the background tuple calculation in the deep mode.updated the format for the manifest file.
Diljot GrewalDiljot Grewal
79309130216updated the version tag